Publisher Policies:
- Scope of the Journal
The journal accepts high-quality research and review articles in the fields of medicine, pharmacy, and related disciplines. - Peer Review Process
Submissions undergo a rigorous double-blind peer-review process to ensure the quality and validity of published content.
see link - Open Access
The journal operates under an Open Access Policy, providing free and unrestricted access to all published articles. - Ethical Standards
We strictly follow the guidelines set by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) to maintain high ethical standards in publication. - Plagiarism Detection
All manuscripts are screened for plagiarism using advanced detection tools. Plagiarism in any form will lead to the rejection of the submission. - Licensing and Copyright
Articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), allowing others to share and adapt the work with proper attribution. - Editorial Independence
Editorial decisions are made independently by the editorial board to ensure fairness and objectivity. - Conflict of Interest
Authors, reviewers, and editors are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest. see link for more information - Retraction Policy
The journal follows ICMJE guidelines for handling retractions, corrections, and ethical concerns in published articles. See here: - Transparency in Authorship
The journal requires clear authorship attribution, and all authors must approve the final manuscript before submission.
11. Editorial policies
Our editorial policies are designed to maintain transparency, ethical standards, and academic integrity. Please refer to the policies below for detailed information:
- Scope of the Journal
Details: - Peer Review Policy